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[BLOG] Nintendo Direct 13 Nov 2013: Combine your balances from your Wii U and 3DS eShop Accounts!

Posted: 14 Nov 2013, 18:36
by CrimsonShade
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Coming soon, Nintendo is releasing a System Update for the Nintendo 3DS that will finally bring Nintendo Network IDs to the 3DS as standard. As well as offering improved networking features for future 3DS titles and the ability to use a name rather than a friend code to identify yourself online, Nintendo is also utilising the service to fulfil a common request from the fans: Combined balances.

A common request from those who have both a Wii U and a 3DS is whether it's possible to combine the balances for eShop accounts on both consoles into a single, shareable balance. The idea is that if you had, say, £15 on the 3DS and £20 on the Wii U, why can't we share the pot and make it £35 to share on both consoles rather than only be able too use what's on each?


After an upcoming 3DS System Update, you will be prompted to create a Nintendo Network ID to identify yourself when using the 3DS to connect online in the future. This is basically a username you'll use on that 3DS from now on; and you can register anything as long as no other 3DS has already registered the same name. If you have a Wii U, however, you already have a Nintendo Network ID there - which is where the clever part comes in. If you register the EXACT same ID on the 3DS as you have on the Wii U, the two will become integrated. Then balance information from both will be shared, creating a single, unified balance for both devices!

But be warned! The Nintendo 3DS will consider any Nintendo Network ID registered on any device as a new account, unless it finds an existing Wii U account. This means if you register a different NNID on the 3DS, you will NOT be able to combine it with the existing one you have on the Wii U. This is why it's important to be exact. Should you wish to share the IDs - and the balances - across both devices, but the names you register are even a single character out. your 3DS may get linked with the wrong Wii U account or with no account at all, preventing you from using the new feature!

ImageWith the introduction of Nintendo Network to 3DS, another feature that's closely integrated into the network will also be débuting. The Wii U's home-grown social networking tool, the MiiVerse - which up until now has been exclusive to the home games console - will soon be introduced to the 3DS as well, making for a truly mobile networking experience. Some 3DS communities have already launched; with more to join them over the coming days according to Nintendo - so keep your eyes peeled.