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[BLOG] Smashdate! #3: Little Mac’s attack (and he’s sporting station colours)

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 23:40
by poultergeist0
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Smashdate! #3 a little guy with a powerful punch is warming up in the Blue corner, the next contender is sporting some interesting new mechanics as well as snazzy green shorts. We’ll also be looking into a few of the other stages that we can piece together.


A Challenger Approaches


Little Mac


It’s time to touch gloves and come out fighting! Little mac has been upgraded from a mere assist trophy and is ready to go toe to toe with all the other superstars. His short stature and incredible speed will make mac a hard target to hit, although from the release trailer his jump/recovery height seems to be very unimpressive but what else can we expect from a professional boxer. Mac seems to be geared towards keeping his feet on the ground and dishing out the smash attacks. An interesting feature of Mac’s fighting style is the addition of his KO meter. This meter act’s in a similar way to DK’s star punch allowing Mac to charge his haymaker and deal an instant smash, unlike DK, Mac can’t store his charge so will deal his damage as soon as you release the button. This means allot less freedom and a more strategic attack, but one that deals all manner of damage and insta-kills.

One quick bit to mention about Macs announcement video is that he transforms into Mega Mac he has a rainbow aura similar to the Smash Moves of brawl. So it seems very likely that the special Smash Moves will be making a comeback.


The Stage is Set:

Wii Sports Studio

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Everybody’s favourite characters home turf looks just as interesting as she does. With little to no features bar a couple of floating platforms this glorified yoga studio looks to be a good stage for a balanced fight. although the lack of a drop off may frustrate more seasoned players.

Green Hill Zone

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The Blue Blur’s opening stage is back for another battle, not a lot of info can be obtained from these screen shots other than the stage being set in Sonic Lost Worlds. But if the brawl stage is anything to go by a dynamic shifting stage may be what we get.

Spirit Train

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Our first 3DS stage here on Smashdate! Straight out of Toon Link’s series this mystical rail way spans the length and breadth of Hyrule. With bright popping colours and a cute little conductor this stage definitely has the Toon Link charm. As for the stage mechanics it looks like a scrolling base that’ll give players a chance to recover if they’re fast enough. Will we see varying speeds like ice mountain in brawl we will have to wait and see.

Round 3 of Smashdate! Had a couple of TKO’s with some interesting additions to mechanics, stages and characters. And I don’t know about you guys but I’m super excited to see these new mechanics come into play.

After the final bell has rung and the bout is over for now I’m still sat here clutching my moustache wax, hoping, praying that my trusty main will be reviled ready for the championship bout.