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[BLOG] Mojang's Cobalt release delayed until Feb 2016

Posted: 26 Oct 2015, 22:52
by PredictedCyborg
This is a blog post. To read the original post, please click here »

Cobalt has been on the gaming news feeds now and then since it was announced as Mojang's little side-scrolling project back in 2013. It surfaced as a more fully-formed idea that was being published by Mojang and developed by Oxeye Studios.

Now however Mojang have announced on their blog that the game will not be releasing at the end of this month as was originally planned, but has instead been delayed until February of next year. The reason? The current build they have is much buggier than they're happy with releasing.


"We want every part of Cobalt – the campaign, challenges, and local and online multiplayer to live up to your expectations, no matter which platform you play it on. That’s going to require a bit more development time.

In honesty, we don’t need four months to fix the outstanding issues, but releasing a game on console is an especially complicated business. There are release windows, and certification things, and all kinds of boxes that need to be ticked before games can be released into the wild."

There's no new exact date for the release, but I will always support a studio delaying a game's release because they want to patch out as many bugs as possible. Buggy and broken games are not fun and even if a delay will disappoint some, it is usually a very responsible step on the part of a game developer/publisher to do so for this reason.

Mojang Blog "Cobalt delayed until February 2016 :(": [x]