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[BLOG] Overwatch porn is being taken down

Posted: 27 May 2016, 23:20
by PredictedCyborg
This is a blog post. To read the original post, please click here ยป

Out of all the 'rules of the Internet' it's probably safe to say that Rule 34 is the one most people have heard of - "If it exists, there is porn of it." Overwatch despite having only just released is no exception, having spawned from a failed MMO project called Titan and since then it's been majorly hyped by Blizzard and gained a lot of traction during the free Open Beta it had a few weeks back. Now it seems that Blizzard has decided that some of that porn isn't a-okay, because quite a few people are getting takedown notices.

Of course, during the aforementioned beta, the searches for said porn jumped over 800% according to a release from Pornhub with Tracer being the most popularly searched for character. The problem is, as I said when I actually covered this jump earlier on, most of this porn is being made through Valve's Source Filmmaker kit. This means that a lot of it is nothing more than assets ripped straight from the game, having genitalia added and then... well, you know. In many cases it's Blizzard's right to protest when really its their full game assets that they made, as opposed to rigs and models made by someone else as is the case for a number of other video game characters in Source.


One porn creator has already taken to Reddit to talk about the takedowns and see if they can't get a community effort together to make Blizzard stop. I'm not sure it'll go down well really, but you have to give them credit for trying.

Based on screencaps of the notices posted to the topic, it seems that its not Blizzard themselves filing the takedowns but a digital platform security company called Irdeto. Most likely they've been hired by Blizzard to clean up the mess, as the leap in Overwatch porn searches was fairly well covered by a lot of media outlets online that deal with gaming primarily - Blizzard probably doesn't want that sort of reputation especially not with young fans around and really... you can't blame them for that no matter how sex positive you are. Like it or not, some people would rather not see or hear about it and that's perfectly fine.