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[BLOG]: DvD Review: Tekken: Blood Vengeance

Posted: 05 Jun 2012, 22:28
by Lonesamurai
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Ok, this animated take on the on going Tekken Story is awful, I mean seriously awful...

The animation is passable for the most part, and the fight scenes are actually pretty good, BUT, and this is my quibble, during the fight scenes especially the animation falls down teh same way teh game animation does... All the characters have, seemingly, dislocatable bone sockets...

Now this alone would have not been an issue if the lip syncing for the English dub wasn't ATTROCIOUS! A couple of times I wondered if the soundtrack itself might be out of sync, but no, its actually poor lip syncing over the obvious Japanese lip syncing...

And WORST of all, the story... I'm not a fan of some of the characters in the game, but c'mon, Ling Xiaoyu and her panda, alongside the Android Alisa... and making Lee a creepy teacher? HE was one of my fave game characters, I can't even play him now...


1 out of 10... Steer Clear