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[BLOG] More hints towards a Diablo IV: something to do with 'Libra'?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 23:10
by PredictedCyborg
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Last thing we heard on possible Diablo projects was a listing from Blizzard, in which they were advertising for a new Game Director for the franchise. This of course led to rumours of a Diablo 4 being in the works. That listing's gone now and a look at the Twitters of some Blizzard developers have given a few hints about who could be involved and maybe some vague clue as to a possible theme for the new Diablo game/project?

Both David Brevik, who was lead programmer on the first Diablo and then project lead on Diablo II, and the former president of Blizzard North, Bill Roper met up this last week. They've tweeted out pictures of themselves next to the wolf-mounted Orc statue that is at Blizzard HQ in Irvine, CA. That alone wouldn't connect it to Diablo, if it wasn't for this further tweet from Brevik which also contains the (possible?) cryptic hint about the next Diablo project:

For 20 years, Diablo-like games have evolved & surprised us. I'm proud to be the adviser for the game that pushes this genre to new heights.
— David Brevik (@davidbrevik) October 16, 2016

It's fair to say that while it's nothing concrete, it is worth potentially getting a bit excited about. First the job listing, now this confirmed meetup of developers and the tweet from Brevik - something's happening with Diablo. As for the Libra constellation photo, it seems an odd one to use if it's got nothing to do with said mysterious project.

Well Blizzcon is coming up on the weekend of November 4-5, so it's possible that we'll find out a lot more during it.
