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[BLOG] Bethesda: Projects "Bigger" Than Any They've Done Before

Posted: 18 Feb 2017, 23:38
by PredictedCyborg
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It would be fair to say that Bethesda releases are often very much anticipated. After all, everyone spent ages trying to decipher what any little piece of news meant about when Fallout 4 was coming (along before it was actually confirmed to be a thing that existed) and they continue to do the same with The Elder Scrolls 6. Bethesda projects are big.

Now in an interview Bethesda's executive producer Todd Howard has revealed that not only are Bethesda currently hard at work on three projects - they're "bigger than anything [Bethesda has] ever done." Sounds exciting. According to Howard two of those games are "classically Bethesda" while the third is a mobile game which doesn't sound that exciting until you remember what a success Fallout Shelter was.


Talking about the two larger projects Howard said: "We have two larger projects that are more classically the scale of what we do, but even bigger. We overlap the projects so we're working on them at the same time, but they're staggered. I can't talk a lot about them, but I can say that they're bigger than anything we've ever done. They're a bit different, but definitely in the wheelhouse that people are used to from us."

Obviously as I mentioned above, people are speculating that one of these two larger games has to be The Elder Scrolls 6 but only time will tell. Bethesda has their usual Sunday slot at E3 though, so maybe we'll see some news there when it takes place in a few months time?