Bethesda taking legal action against Mojang over new game.

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Bethesda taking legal action against Mojang over new game.

Post by Movian »

Notch (Creator of minecraft) has been served with legal papers from Bethesda over a trademark dispute with the new game "Scrolls".

Bethesda are claiming that the name scrolls may be confused with their Trademarked series "The Elder Scrolls" and the theory that games re use certain sections of a games title such as Mario brothers, super Mario brothers etc. This would in their opinion allow some people to think that the game "Scrolls" was part of the same series.

Notch has responded to this by stating on his twitter feed that he suggests that instead of a legal battle that they settle this in a similar fashion to the game of thrones with a small battle to decide the winner. Where Bethesda selects 3 people and Mojang select three people for a quake 3 arena death match competition. Stating that if Bethesda wins then he will change the name and that if Mojang wins that Bethesda will drop the lawsuit and take no further legal action over the game (Stating at the end of the post that he is completely serious).

PERSONALLY i think that this is an absolutely outrageous notion by Bethesda and am personally boycotting them until the action is withdrawn. As someone who has been looking forward to Skyrim and enjoys a number of Bethesda titles. I will no longer be pre-ordering OR purchasing Skyrim until this is resolved as denoted by my signature on this online petition.

What does everyone else think?
If someone confused Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls by Bethesda with Scrolls by Mojang do they deserve what they get for being so stupid?
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