[BLOG] Mighty No.9's New Trailer's Voiceover Is Cringeworthy At Best

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[BLOG] Mighty No.9's New Trailer's Voiceover Is Cringeworthy At Best

Post by CrimsonShade »

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Okay, as much as I am a fan of Mega Man games, when it comes to Keiji Inafune's spiritual successor, Mighty No. 9 - a game that I was super-hyped about when it was first announced, and was devastated its Kickstarter was at a time I was financially unstable - in more recent months, I have simply stopped caring.

When you look at the track record, it's hard not to see why. The project has been delayed three separate times for varying periods of length, which have led to its launch being delayed by almost two years in total. For its promise that it would arrive on all "current and next-gen consoles and PC", it has really missed the boat to be relevant on consoles such as PS3 or Wii any more; and with Nintendo's NX expected next year, it's also rather late even for the Wii U. The fact it finally even HAS a launch date (June 21st) is the only saving grace.

So, after the long wait, you'd think Deep Silver - the development team working on the game alongside Inafune's company, Comcept - would at least have a clue how to market Mighty No. 9 properly, right?

Well, no. The latest trailer for the game, while visually impressive and packed with action, is embarrassing fans and non-fans alike for its cheesy voice-over. Not only does it refer to the game using the sort of lines that should have probably stayed in the 80s - "Do you like awesome things that are awesome?" as an example - but it even borders on offensive to both Mega Man fans and Anime addicts - anyone who thinks “and make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night” is a good line should be summarily fired. Unless you're highly lactose-intolerant, take a look at the video below and make sure you keep the sound on:

Let's be honest here. Mighty No. 9 is the kind of game that is most likely to appeal to people with a love of old-school platforming action games - I should know, I am one, and I still plan to get this game despite everything. Considering Keiji Inafune is well-known for such titles, Deep Silver should have been well-aware of this and marketed the game accordingly. Instead, they seem to be aiming for a '90s Teenager vibe - excuse me while I look at a calendar. Keiji Inafune himself is already facing fan scepticism for his antics with the Kickstarter for another Comcept title, Red Ash, so this marketing disaster is unlikely to restore confidence in him or his company.

Mighty, for the love of god, please don't suck.
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