[BLOG] Youtubers revealed to be owners of CSGO gambling site

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[BLOG] Youtubers revealed to be owners of CSGO gambling site

Post by PredictedCyborg »

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In recent years, one of the larger ongoing issues on Youtube has been the disclosure of when a Youtuber is being paid to promote a product. Originally it was hard to determine whether a video was a 'paid for' one, purely because no laws existed to set out proper process - and some took advantage of this to not disclose videos they had been paid for. Fortunately new laws come into play a while back that made it much easier to define exactly what should be done. After all, for a Youtuber who's next meal depends on their video output paid-for content is a good thing and as long as the viewers are aware of its nature then all is above board and no one is misled.

However, that's not to say all the problems are gone for good and recent events couldn't have shown that more clearly. a recent video from H3H3 Productions has shown that two prominent Youtubers - ProSyndicate and TmarTn - have been making videos to promote CSGO gambling through a website called CSGOLotto. A website that they both own. Needless to say once the word got out, the Internet was in uproar.

ProSyndicate has been tweeting out that he apologises if people felt misled by this, while TmarTn at first followed the same line but then took to deleting said tweets and privatising videos about CSGOLotto despite having previously protested innocence in this matter. His original Twitlonger response on the matter can still be seen here though thanks to webcache. TeamEnVyUs, who have a minority stakholder in TmarTn, have come out with a statement to make clear that they were not involved with the situation and nor were any of its players.

Earlier Valve seemed to be taking a stand against CSGOLotto by blocking access to it through their Steam client with a warning that the site was malicious, having been flagged under "phishing, scamming, spamming, or delivering malware." This block was later reversed when it turned out that the flag was a mistake by a volunteer moderator after a number of people took to flagging the URL as such.


At the moment it remains to be seen what action, if any, will be taken against ProSyndicate and/or TmarTn. The situation is still ongoing as of time of writing, and we will of course update you if there are further developments. It's just a sad reminder that the times of the grey area of disclosure really aren't so far behind us yet.
Yes that's Minecraft-me in my av. Done by Reiu who is damn talented!
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