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[BLOG] Bootleggers recreate Hearthstone as a real-life game

Posted: 26 Sep 2014, 14:30
by PredictedCyborg
This is a blog post. To read the original post, please click here ยป

Fans of Hearthstone take note, thanks to a group of Asian bootleggers, it's now entirely possible to won a physical copy of the card game Hearthstone. And by that, I mean an actual card game, not a boxed copy of the Hearthstone game.

The game costs about 300RMB or $49 and is based off the game pre-Curse of Naxxramas. It comes with two sets of every class' cards, four of every normal and legendary 'neutral' card and some extra cards for those cards that can summon creatures, such as a Release the Hounds. Effects such as Taunt and Deathrattle are shown via tokens while wheels indicate health and attack, more special tokens to indicate increased special damage and even mechanic for the drawing of random cards to make it truly random.


While I think it's impressive as a feat, and that the recreators have obviously put a lot of thought about how to translate Hearthstone's mechanics to a different medium I must say that unfortunately it wouldn't be something I would play myself.

The beauty of Hearthstone is in the fighting of random opponents from across the globe whom you've never met before and will probably never meet again, all without being able to do more than spam the same 6 emotes (or 'squelch' those who do actually spam them). The battlecries of minions as you place them on the field, the illustration of effects as they activate, the fluidity of a turn, the satisfying explosion of an opponent's hero as you beat them, the customs of politeness and fair play that seems to have come about through playing the game (greeting your faceless opponent, apologising for moves that put them on the back foot, saying 'well played' for a good move from your opponent or before you end a battle) and the fact that Hearthstone is perfectly tuned to work as a virtual card game.

And as much as I dislike having to say this about such a wonderful creation that had such effort put into it, unfortunately with all the counters and wheels and other things needed to make the unofficial recreation work, it just loses that tightness that makes the game so much fun for me.