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[BLOG] Unsung Story developers put game on "indefinite hold"

Posted: 08 Feb 2016, 22:16
by PredictedCyborg
This is a blog post. To read the original post, please click here »

Unsung Story was Kickstarter backed about two years ago, in February 2014. It came from Playdek and was a turn-based tactics game that promised a blend of RPG and strategy elements. The campaign raised $600k and a further $60,000 past that with a due date of July 2015.

Like many games recently it had that date pushed back, and that was fine. The last update was in October of last year showing off a simple combat system. Now they've given a new update and it's not good news - active development on the game has ceased as a small internal team tries to keep the studio together through taking on small jobs. They won't say the game's cancelled, but it doesn't sound good.


The news comes from an update post that lets people know that the company lost a load of members back in October, and so a serious rethink of the direction they were headed was in order. Their current plans are thus:

"We now have one internal team capable of working on a single project, and for the financial strength of the company we need to focus on a few products in the near term that have the ability to get to a retail release before Unsung Story is able to. While this is a difficult choice to make, it is one we need to do for the ongoing financial health of the company."

Which means they're taking on jobs from other developers and publishers to bring in the money. As for Unsung Story, they're trying to work out what to do next with it:

"For Unsung Story, we will explore options for outside development help, and will look to see if we are able to bring on an outside team that can assist us in furthering development. While we aren’t assured this will come to fruition, we do want to make sure that we are exploring any options at hand that can make progress on the game."

Again, doesn't sound good. Needless to say, the backers aren't going to be too happy with this development.