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Update - Thursday, July 7, 2011

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 08:16
by Lonesamurai
Update - Thursday, July 7, 2011

Winds of Change

The Ministry of Purity has heard your cries. They are organizing volunteers to purge the Afflicted from our lands once and for all. If you will lend your arms to the cause, speak with Initiate Zei Ri on the streets of Kaineng Center. Strength in unity; together, we overcome.

Automated Tournaments

Updated the 2011 Automated Tournament Series Trophy in the Great Temple of Balthazar.
Updated the Automated Tournament map rotation.

Guild Wars Wiki notes

New costumes (Aegis of Unity and Dragonguard) are available in the Guild Wars In-Game store and through the NCsoft store.

Re: Update - Thursday, July 7, 2011

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 08:19
by Lonesamurai
Winds of Change

Winds of Change (WoC) is the third chapter of Guild Wars Beyond, taking place in Cantha. Like other Beyond content, it foreshadows the events leading up to the state of Tyria during Guild Wars 2. It begins by following the story of the Ministry of Purity and their attempt at removing the last of The Betrayers' Afflicted from Cantha.

Winds of Change content

Winds of Change content is available only to characters who have completed the Factions campaign. In order to do Cleansing Zen Daijun, characters must also complete the Zen Daijun mission.


Various enemies received new skill bars for Winds of Change, along with the addition of new foes. These foes do not appear outside of quests until the explorable area is altered through completion of certain quests. These foes include:
  • Afflicted
  • Am Fah
  • Jade Brotherhood
  • Scavenger

Winds of Change's story follows a chain of quests. Initiate Zei Ri begins the main quest chain, which currently consists of seventeen quests (and their hard mode equivalents). For more detail on the quest chain, see the walkthrough.
Initiate Tsuriai has a quest chain of three quests, beginning with Rescue at Minister Cho's Estate.
Lei Jeng has a quest chain of three quests, beginning with Light My Fire.
Xan Hei in Xaquang Skyway has a quest chain, beginning with Intercepting the Am Fah.

Changes to explorable areas

With the completion of certain quests, some explorable areas are altered. The altered explorables and their associated quests are as follows:
  • Bukdek Byway - Cleansing Bukdek Byway
  • Shadow's Passage - Cleansing Shadow's Passage
  • Shenzun Tunnels - Cleansing Shenzun Tunnels
  • The Undercity - Cleansing the Undercity
  • Sunjiang District - Cleansing the Sunjiang District
  • Pongmei Valley - Cleansing Pongmei Valley
  • Minister Cho's Estate - Rescue at Minister Cho's Estate
  • Haiju Lagoon - Cleansing Haiju Lagoon
  • Zen Daijun - Cleansing Zen Daijun
  • Rhea's Crater - Cleansing Rhea's Crater
  • Silent Surf - Cleansing Silent Surf
  • Morostav Trail - Cleansing Morostav Trail
Hard mode versions of explorables are not altered until the hard mode version of the quest is completed.


As the storyline progresses, new encounters will be viewable throughout Cantha.

  • Winds of Change was released on July 7, 2011.
  • The story of Hearts of the North has a connection to Winds of Change, most likely Miku and her background story.
  • Winds of Change "involves the plight of the tengu, the origins of the Ministry of Purity, and the isolation of the entire continent."
  • The amount of story content will be comparable to a small expansion.
  • Winds of Change will contain 3 acts, each with its own story conclusion.

Re: Update - Thursday, July 7, 2011

Posted: 08 Jul 2011, 08:38
by Lonesamurai
New costumes:
