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[BLOG] Sony revises controversial DriveClub plan after protests

Posted: 10 May 2014, 21:11
by PredictedCyborg
This is a blog post. To read the original post, please click here »

Sony have reversed a controversial new plan for the DriveClub game that tied access to the game with users’ Playstation Plus accounts. Users would have been able to get the game as a demo for free, and upgrade to the full game for only £42.99… only to lose access if they ever let their membership to PS Plus lapse.

Unsurprisingly this was not popular among Sony’s fans and they took to the forums and the Internet to make their thoughts heard. And it seems that their protests have worked.

UPDATE: Our priority for DRIVECLUB is to enable you to play and enjoy everything it has to offer and PlayStation recognises that the prior plan for DRIVECLUB entitlement for the upgrade to the PS Plus edition was not appropriate. As a result, we have adjusted the PlayStation Plus terms for DRIVECLUB.

Now, If you intend on downloading DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition, and upgrading to the full game experience, you will have access to the full game even if your PlayStation Plus subscription runs out.

Who says that the consumer can’t make a difference?
