[BLOG] Bioware confirm bug - Inquisition companions quieter than they should be

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[BLOG] Bioware confirm bug - Inquisition companions quieter than they should be

Post by PredictedCyborg »

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Bioware RPGs ought to have companions chatting to you constantly, revealing little details about themselves, the world around them and what they think of events occurring around you. Something that some players have found to be missing from the latest Dragon Age game - Dragon Age: Inquisition.

It has gone unnoticed largely up until now because it was thought that Bioware had taken the decision to make the comapnions less talkative this time round, but after coming together and discussing it on the EA and Bioware forums the developers have now confirmed that it's a bug. An odd one at that, making it so that dialogue only happens every few hours instead of every few minutes.


There are supposed to be thousands of lines of recorded conversation within the game but something is stopping them from being played and so Bioware are now investigating the bug; asking for affected players to donate their 60+ hour games to help them make sense of what is causing it and how they can fix it.

While it's a shame that so many players might need to restart their game's playthrough of the story, I'm sure it'll be a different and much richer experience the second time around having their companions actually able to talk to them and add much more atmosphere and flavour to the game.
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