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[BLOG] Evolve's forth monster revealed: Behemoth

Posted: 14 Jan 2015, 00:11
by PredictedCyborg
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Turtle Rock Studios have revealed the form of another creature that will be available to play in their 4 v 1 shooter game Evolve, due to release a little later this year. Meet Behemoth.


Behemoth of course is the beast that was named by the votes of the gamers a few months ago. Back then we only got to see a silhouette of the creature but now we can see that Behemoth is quite a large, rocky beast and just from that appearance you can already guess the play style the monster player who chooses him will need to use.

Compared to the other beasts, Behemoth's armour and health pool are several times that of Wraith who was the last creature revealed and are above even Goliath; the first monster that was revealed and widely assumed to be the game's tanky beast until now. And while the other three rely on varying balances of defence and mobility to survive and evolve Behemoth is designed to take the punishment with his abilities. As expected though, Behemoth is not gifted in the area of mobility so has to be able to take a beating. The standard movement speed is not great, and he can't actually jump of leave the ground in any way unless he's climbing up something or falling off it.


However it's not to say that keeping your distance is a safe tactic for fighting him as a Hunter, oh no. For one thing Behemoth is armed with a spiked tongue that can ensnare and pull in unwary Hunters to face the creature's long reach and devastating melee damage. Behemoth can also throw up a Rock Wall defence that stops incoming projectiles and if placed right can prevent pulled in foes from fleeing easily. Fissure is an ability that opens a narrow, long fissure in the earth that launches hunters into the air as well as dealing huge damage and Lava Bomb is an ability that allows Behemoth to throw a large projectile that splits into many smaller ones to rain down fiery pain and burns a large area for 15 seconds and has an impressive range that spans around 200 meters.

Finally Behemoth does have one special evasive maneuver up his sleeve, being able to roll up into a ball of hardened earth. He can then roll around to deal some damage, and pick up speed although it's safe to say his turning circle probably isn't great so some skill will be needed to use it properly.

Behemoth won't be available straight away after release, and will be a kind of DLC beast. Those who have pre-ordered will get him free, while anyone else can purchase him for around $14.99. Because Turtle Rock have taken an interesting and fair policy towards DLC though you'll still be able to play against other people who own him though if you don't own him yourself.