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[BLOG] Dishonored 2 announced by accident on Twitch stream

Posted: 14 Jun 2015, 01:03
by PredictedCyborg
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I love live broadcasts. If there's technical difficulties the audience gets a smile and if a mistake is made, there no editing out that mistake. So sometimes people will leave on a microphone and you hear people talking that you shouldn't.

This is exactly what happened during a Bethesda Twitch stream, in which an open mic broadcast picked up a discussion about Bethesda's upcoming E3 press conference. It was unfortunate though because at the time they happened to be discussing a game that they were going to announce at that press conference - Dishonored 2. Whoops. At least they took the leak in good stride...

Twitch test a success. Tune in tomorrow night at 6:45 pm PT for more surprises. #BE3
— Bethesda Softworks (@Bethblog) June 13, 2015

Heard on the mic is Raph Colantonio, president of Arkane Lyons who were working on a follow-up to the first Dishonored game. He discusses with others about the presentation of Harvey Smith who was co-director of that first game and the new game itself. The mic only cuts out after someone comes in to inform the speakers that they can be heard on the stream itself.


People were expecting news of a Dishonored 2 to emerge during E3 anyway, so to most people it wasn't that big of a surprise to know that it was coming. It's just amusing the way the news actually came into the public light.

Lesson learned people - turn your mics off before having secret conversations!