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[BLOG] Rocket League gets a Vault Boy antenna customise option

Posted: 09 Nov 2015, 23:58
by PredictedCyborg
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In case you haven't heard yet, Fallout 4 is releasing soon. I know right; they kept that quiet didn't they?

Anyway, with such a big and very anticipated title releasing some other games are obviously getting into the spirit of travelling and playing in the post-nuclear wasteland. Even if you're playing car football.

The people who made Rocket League, Psyonix are releasing a little update for the game at the same time as Fallout 4 releases that adds a single new cosmetic element to the game to go with the others you can use to deck your car out before you go flying off walls smashing a giant metal ball about a field: a Vault Boy antenna.

Sure, like all the cosmetic bits it makes no change to your car's performance but who doesn't love customising options in games? It's a freebie to boot, so even if you're not a fan you still don't lose anything. Win-win situation all around.
