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[BLOG] Lego Worlds Release Delayed

Posted: 04 Feb 2017, 22:57
by PredictedCyborg
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Lego Worlds is hoping to be Lego's answer to Minecraft. The game was supposed to be releasing in February but the studio behind it, Traveller's Tales have announced that it's going to be slightly delayed for - polish. What else?

In an announcement via the Steam page for Lego Worlds, they said that they "weren't happy with a few things keeping us from entering Certification", so the game is going to be pushed back slightly to make sure it's fit for release and up to the standard that Lego fans expect from their Lego titles.

Lego Worlds has been in Steam Early Access since June of 2015, which is quite a while. To make up for the slight delay, Traveller's Tales are going to be rewarding all their devoted players with a free copy of the Lego World soundtrack as well as a special in-game hat that will be available to players once the full game launches in the character customiser.

As mentioned above, Lego Worlds aims to be like Minecraft, with big procedurally generated worlds filled with bricks and Lego models, as well as mini-figs. There's a big multi-tool which allows for the forming of large chunks of land at once, something that you can only do in Minecraft with help of mods. Mind you, who doesn't play Minecraft these days without at least one mod installed?

Lego Worlds is available on Steam for $14.99/£11.99.
